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Nathe Standard Snaffle Bit 1786


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A great bit for starting youngsters or more sensitive horses.
- Encourages chewing, salivation and relaxation into the contact.
- The mullen style can help with horses that are overly fussy in the mouth by giving them less to play with.

- Made in Germany, with a guarantee against breakages the Nathe bits feature a steel core centre through the plastic for your safety.
- The mouthpiece is gently shaped and with some bend and give, as well as being allergy free.
- Cheekpieces made from stainless steel for durability.
- 20mm thick with tapered centre, 12cm, 13cm and 14cm with 60mm rings, thinner mouthpiece and smaller rings in the 11cm size.

Bits by Nathe: for flexible and sensitive schooling and training.


(Due to the easily stained plastic material, the Nathe Bit range are unfortunately not available for trial.  These bits are also more prone to teeth marks than a metal bit and are not covered under warranty against chewing)

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  • 5
    Problem solved

    Posted by Ingrid Crichton on Dec 25, 2013

    My 5yo mare has been very unsteady in her contact since she was started. I have tried numerous bits, tending towards the thicker snaffles as she is very sensitive, but none permitted a positive steady connection. I ordered the Nathe bit on the Tuesday before Christmas, thinking I could have quite a wait, but it was delivered first thing Thursday morning! Wow, great service! She is really happy in the new bit. I no longer need a noseband, and she sits in a firm contact quite happily, taking more rein when it's offered. It's been like finding the magic key! :)