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Original Meroth Leather Bit

MSRP: $208.85
Was: $208.85
Now: $54.98
(You save $153.88 )
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The Original Meroth Leather Snaffle now available at Bit Bank Australia!

Is a Meroth™ leather snaffle bit right for me and my horse?

If you are an intermediate to experienced rider and your horse already accepts and responds to a bit, the answer is YES! A Meroth™ leather bit will enable gentle and precise communication with your horse without metal in the mouth


The leather bit is light-weight, pleasant to the horse, durable, and completely non-toxic. The leather is tanned using an entirely plant-based process. The bit adheres to European baby toy specifications! You will never have to worry about putting toxic leather into your horse's mouth.

Note: The bit comes with detailed instructions. If you have any questions, please contact us!

The Meroth Leather snaffle is available in 4.5", 5", 5.5" and 6"


The Testimonials below speak for themselves!


"I was amazed at the difference in my horse using this bit. My horse was collected, relaxed and responsive. Riding bitless made her nervous and spooky. She would become fixated on playing with a metal bit so much that she would lose her focus on me. I am sold on the Meroth leather bit and highly recommend it." Sheri G.


 "I have just received theMeroth leather bit... Well, I cant praise it enough. I have a horse that is happy to stretch forward and he was the lightest he has ever been, bit or no bit. I don't often give feedback ... but this was so amazing I felt the need to let you know. Thank you for selling these bits, they are fabulous!" Amanda M., New Zealand


"The first time I used [the Meroth™ leather snaffle bit], he seemed to think there was contact on the bit – there wasn’t. By the fourth time he just accepted it as normal. He is extremely responsive to it and seems to like it. I had been riding him bitless – using a jumping hackamore – but as he is a racehorse (not ex) he was hard to steer to the right, especially the faster we went. With the Meroth it is not an issue at all. It will definitely be the only bit I will use for pleasure riding and I am looking forward to trying it without the bridle.... So, success. A happy horse and happy rider!....Sincerely," Maureen T., Kentucky


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  • 5
    Creating softness in my jumping mare

    Posted by Katy M on Aug 04, 2017

    I wanted to try something different than a double jointed bit. My mare jumped fine before using the leather bit, but she became more confident to stretch over larger oxers, more bold! It is not a bit you can be heavy with your hands (which you don't want to be either), as that just won't work as it's soft in the mouth. Initially I felt I had little control, but it's a bit I have had to use my seat more effectively and refine my riding because of the feel and connection it creates. My mare loves it for training a day competition! and I do too. I originally had the bridleless bit, but the mice found it and loved it too! So please protect it, or be prepared to buy another one